Webinar series

Solar cable management with Georg Neureiter

Georg is Market Manager for Renewable Energies and part of a team of dedicated HellermannTyton solar cable management experts around the globe.

Rooftop and fixed-tilt applications (duration 17 min)

If you are dealing with rooftop and fixed tilt solar installations and are looking for innovative and time-saving cable management and identification solutions – Georg shows you how it’s done.


Horizontal tracker and agrivoltaic applications (duration 20 min)

Discover professional cable management solutions with unmatched safety, reliability and longevity in solar tracker and agrivoltaic PV installations.

Lifetime risks & unfavourable examples (duration 15 min)

Do you want to take advantage of the maximum yield without performance losses over the whole solar plant life time? Georg shows how you can lower your OPEX costs by getting cable management right first time.

LCOE and hidden costs (duration 17 min)

You’re bidding for a large-scale solar plant and wondering how you can further reduce the cost of electricity in order to win the project? Learn from Georg how to reduce costs and avoid hidden pitfalls.

High-performance engineered materials for solar plants (duration 15 min)

Quality is not everything, but everything without quality is nothing. Discover the value of high-performance engineered materials with Georg.

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Update: 21/09/2024 © HellermannTyton 2024
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