
What we do and where in the UK

HellermannTyton UK plays a pivotal role in the international HellermannTyton Group

Map of HellermanTyton UK's 3 locations - Manchester Cannock and Plymouth

The origins of HellermannTyton in the United Kingdom stretch back to the 1930s. You can find out about our history here. Our business serves the needs of industrial customers and the electrical trade with quality cable management products. The primary focus of our production operations in the UK are injection moulding and extrusion of engineering thermoplastics.


We operate two manufacturing sites in the UK - in Manchester and Plymouth - supported by a distribution hub in Cannock, which includes our HellermannTyton ACADEMY training centre.

Satellite locations in Ireland, our sister company HellermannTyton Data in Northampton and the board of the global HellermannTyton Group in Crawley complete our list of locations. More than 600 people are employed at HellermannTyton in the United Kingdom.



Manchester facilities

HellermannTyton UK in Manchester

A wide range of injection moulded products are manufactured at our Manchester site. These range from tried-and-tested cable ties to complex parts for industry-specific, or individual customer applications.

We are proud to be a world-class and leading UK manufacturer with over 8 decades of heritage. Research, product design, development and tool engineering are also situated here.

Visit us here.


Cannock facilities

HellermannTyton UK in Cannock

Our distribution centre in Cannock (UKDC) boasts a state-of-the-art 75,000 sq. ft warehouse with space for 5000 pallets and room to expand.

The purpose-built building, which opened in 2017, also includes conference facilities for meetings with up to 60 delegates and is also home to our HellermannTyton ACADEMY, which facilitates product training and familiarisation with the aid of interactive exhibits.

Visit us here.


Plymouth facilities

HellermannTyton in Plymouth

The focus of operations in Plymouth are extruded cable management products, heat-shrinkable tubing and shapes, and a range of identification systems - many designed to customer-specific requirements by our team of material and design experts.

The 48,000 sq. ft plant in the International Medical and Technology Park was opened in October 2011. Over 700 solar panels cover the roof and the building also reuses rainwater and the heat generated by the production machinery. To meet the growing demand for our products, a second production plant is currently under construction and due to open at the end of 2022.

Visit us here

UK management team

Karl Rush Managing Director
Scott Mayne Site Director - Manchester
Jon Churchley Site Director - Cannock
Hannah Blore Regional Managing Director - Plymouth
Clare Stanley Finance Director
Lucy Kennedy Head of Human Resources


Do you have any questions?  
Please contact us here. We will reply to you as soon as possible.