
Heat Shrink Tubing

Heat shrink tubing is a simple and safe solution for insulation and protection of wires, cables, connections, terminals and components. It is a flexible tube that shrinks in diameter and increases in thickness when heated. In this way, it shrinks tightly around the cable or connector and provides excellent insulating properties. A variety of materials are available to meet specific technical requirements: polyolefin (POX), elastomer (PES), fluoropolymer (FPM), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), etc. Heat shrink tubing is available in many colours including "clear". Variants are thin wall, medium wall and thick wall tubings. Dual-Wall variants are also available; this term is used for heatshrinks that already include adhesive. Our shrink ratios range from 2:1 to 6:1.

1,326 products

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100 m
Brown (BN) HFT-A-2.4/1.2-PO-X-BN 305-02401
100 metre
Red (RD) HFT-A-2.4/1.2-PO-X-RD 305-02402
100 metre
Green (GN) HFT-A-2.4/1.2-PO-X-GN 305-02405
100 metre
Grey (GY) HFT-A-2.4/1.2-PO-X-GY 305-02408
100 metre
White (WH) HFT-A-2.4/1.2-PO-X-WH 305-02409
100 metre
Green-Yellow (GNYE) HFT-A-3.2/1.6-PO-X-GNYE 305-03245
400 metre
Brown (BN) HFT-A-3.2/1.6-PO-X-BN 305-03201
100 metre
Red (RD) HFT-A-3.2/1.6-PO-X-RD 305-03202
400 metre
Green (GN) HFT-A-3.2/1.6-PO-X-GN 305-03205
400 metre
Grey (GY) HFT-A-3.2/1.6-PO-X-GY 305-03208
100 metre
White (WH) HFT-A-3.2/1.6-PO-X-WH 305-03209
Also available: our sample box for the high temeprature solutions product family.
Sample_Box_High_Temperature 031-93216
Sample_Box_High_Temperature 031-93216
Samples HA67-PO-X-BK 321-30800
Black (BK) Samples HA67-PO-X-BK 321-30800
Samples ENG Food and Beverage-DIV-MIX 905-50013
1 pcs.
Various (MIX) Samples ENG Food and Beverage-DIV-MIX 905-50013
Samples DE PSRSC und Lebensmittelindustrie-DIV-MIX 905-50033
1 Pack
Various (MIX) Samples DE PSRSC und Lebensmittelindustrie-DIV-MIX 905-50033
Samples_Railway-DIV-MIX 905-50080
1 Pack
Various (MIX) Samples_Railway-DIV-MIX 905-50080
Blue (BU) HIS-Service-Station-PO-X-BU 365-30105
150 metre
Black (BK) HFT-A-9.5/4.8-PO-X-BK 305-09500
1 pcs.
Blue (BU) HIS-Service-Station-ST-BU 300-30002
60 metre
Black (BK) TR27-6.4/3.2-PO-X-BK 315-50640
60 metre
Black (BK) TR27-19.1/9.5-PO-X-BK 315-51900
15 pcs.
Green-Yellow (GNYE) TREDUX-6/2-PO-X-GNYE 319-00607
1 pcs.
Black (BK) TREDUX-MA47-95/30-PO-X-BK 323-50950
15 pcs.
Black (BK) TA32-19/6-PO-X-BK 318-31900
1 pc.
Black (BK), Grey (GY) V9500 kit-EP-BK/GY 627-95010
30 m
Black (BK) TSA-200-TPC-BK 354-03000

Heat Shrink Tubing

Heat shrink tubing is a simple and safe solution for insulation and protection of wires, cables, connections, terminals and components. It is a flexible tube that shrinks in diameter and increases in thickness when heated. In this way, it shrinks tightly around the cable or connector and provides excellent insulating properties. A variety of materials are available to meet specific technical requirements: polyolefin (POX), elastomer (PES), fluoropolymer (FPM), polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), etc. Heat shrink tubing is available in many colours including "clear". Variants are thin wall, medium wall and thick wall tubings. Dual-Wall variants are also available; this term is used for heatshrinks that already include adhesive. Our shrink ratios range from 2:1 to 6:1.